
Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to my bloggy page...

Waaaaaa,I'm new here.Dunno what to write..Well kene tulis gak macam mana pon.Hurmmm,where to start.
Nama ku Nurusyifaa' Hasnan ,panggil je syifaa'.Quite short and easy to pronounce.I';ve just started my blog,tah tetiba dapat inspirasi from other blogger.Hanis Zalikha,hui sheee's coool indeed.You can view here blogspot and you'll feel impress, its gonna be fun,cuz I think of owning my own income.Hopefully this will be a good start for me..Sangat teruja,waaaa and I can't wait.

Wanna know my story??how I wanted to start my blog...HAAAAAA,now I wanna tell u.It started when I  tI borrowed this book at the library at UITM Kampus Kota Bharu...GoGoogle by Greg Holden.Chek it out>>
Mayb u've seen this book from any book stores like MPH or anywhere..

                                        Quite a nice book,u'll get lots of information about gogoogle

After reading this book,I gain a lot of knowledge.So,if u think of starting your own business.You can join google instead.Its simple and its also free of charge.Just sign up your google account,get a gmail.Get a google apps for your domain and google AdSense.All of this info you can get it from this book.You will learn about:

  • Google Apps
  • Google Analytics
  • Blogger
  • Google Groups
  • AdSense
  • AdWords
  • Google Page Creator
  • Google Product Search
  • Google Talk
I would like to say thank u to Youtube that helps me a lot.It certainly showed me a lot of guidance about google.After a lot of reading,now i've started my own blog that it,
It didn't take a lot of time,just follow some guidance and Wallah u get a blog.Its Simple like that!!

First thing first,you sign up as a blogger at, a URL,like mine is syifapenawar.
It just takes a few minutes and then your done.You can start designing your layout like what i've done to my layout.I just started designing my own banner.Well I'm done with my banner,its quite simple and not that neat...hehe...I just edit it and design it myself with paint.Like the cut and paste part LOLOLOL.....Here's my banner looks like,hehe nice start isn't it,..walaupon kelihatan agak bodoh,but nice to me i guess,..what do u think???

I've enlarge the size,so u can see it clearer.These pictures I took it from my UITM trip to Cameron Highlands. The wonderfull place was at MARDI.U guys can visit there one day..u can see so many flowers and i'm so amaize. So,I got the idea to create my blog banner from there..not bad its it,hehehe...Korang boley lah nak try cuba buat banner sendiri,use your own imagination and u will get a wonderfull result. Well u will learn to appreciate your work...So,why wait!! Start NOW  HAHAHaAHA...Chill,take your time...Even I myself,take days to think of such an idea...And lastly,I've DONE it...And look,i'm typing my blog now...hehehe,
...Like talking to myself,cuz i'll get many ideas.

-Stay tune for my next post,cyaaaa........